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Ana Salazar

About Ana Salazar - Broker Associate
As a highly experienced and accomplished real estate professional, Ana Salazar offers an unrivaled level of expertise and luxury service to her discerning clientele. Specializing in both residential and commercial properties within the Houston area and its surrounding areas, she is committed to providing exceptional service to each and every one of her clients.
Fluent in both English and Spanish, Ana is able to effectively communicate with a diverse range of clients, making her a valuable asset in the luxury real estate industry. She holds professional designations as an Accredited Buyer’s Representative (ABR), Accredited Residential Manager (ABRM) and Texas Residential Leasing specialist, demonstrating her dedication to excellence and attention to detail.
With a deep understanding of the local community and a genuine passion for helping people, Ana is actively involved in volunteer and charitable work through organizations such as KW CARES. Throughout her career, she has had the opportunity to partner and open her own brokerage, which has allowed her to gain valuable experience and step out of her comfort zone to service her clients at the highest level, resulting in a wealth of experience and knowledge. Her strong work ethic, excellent communication skills and ability to work towards the best interests of her clients are just some of the attributes that set her apart in the luxury real estate industry.
When not working, Ana can be found engaging in various leisure activities such as working out, spending time with her family, relaxing on the beach and listening to music. She is also dedicated to giving back to the community and regularly hosting client appreciation events throughout the year.
If you are in search of a professional, dedicated and experienced luxury real estate agent who will take the time to understand your needs and work towards your best interests, Ana Salazar is the ideal choice.
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