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    Episode 2 of our YouTube series “How to Become a Luxury Realtor” is live! In today’s episode, Nancy Almodovar, CEO of Nan and Company Properties, talks to her viewers about the importance of branding yourself when trying to find success as a luxury realtor. Watch the video below to learn more!

    Step 1: Define your brand.

    Why should a luxury buyer or seller contact you over another agent? Find out what makes you unique, and work that angle when moving forward with your branding goals. Do you want to be seen as the condo expert or the leasing go-to? Figuring out what will make you stand out is a crucial first step.

    Step 2: Incorporate technology.

    With the digital revolution in full force, people are able to look for just about anything from the comfort of their home. In fact, 92 percent of home buyers begin their search online! Be a master in technology. Figure out a simpler, more innovative way to be #AlwaysOnCall for your clients.

    Step 3: Use social media.

    This is a must, especially for the growing number of millennials! Deals are being closed over homes people found on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and even Snapchat. Maximize on that and get your personal brand marketed too so that you can be the face people see when scrolling down their timeline. Google yourself. Do you like what you see? If you’re looking for other ways to improve your brand, start a blog! Show your readers why you’re an expert in your field.

    Step 4: Be consistent.

    The three steps above won’t make any difference if you aren’t being consistent with your methods. Having a social media profile, the necessary apps, and business cards with an amazing design isn’t enough. You need to be actively and consistently using your resources. Post on your social media accounts daily. Attend networking events and meet new contacts. You want to be the name someone thinks of when they hear the words “luxury realtor.”


    To watch the series introduction, click the link here.

    To watch the first episode, titled “How to Become a Luxury Realtor: The Basics,” click here.

    Like what you see? Be sure to give the episodes a thumbs up, and subscribe to our channel so you’ll never miss a new video!

    If you’re interested in joining our incredible team of innovative, go-getting agents, feel free to contact us. We’re always searching for new talent!

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