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    Real Estate Market Report

    The Nan Market Report: September 2023

    If you've been keeping an eye on the real estate market, you'll be pleased to know that things are looking up. The market is showing resilience and a return to normalcy, making it an excellent time for both buyers and sellers to take ...

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    The Nan Market Report: August 2023

    Houston's real estate landscape is ever-evolving, and recent trends indicate a move towards stability. While the market has experienced some fluctuations, the overall picture is optimistic. With home prices finding their footing and a broad...

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    The Nan Market Report: July 2023

    Houston's Housing Market: A Landscape of Resilience and OpportunitiesThe Houston housing market is a landscape of opportunities, with recent trends indicating a steady recovery. Despite a slowdown in home sales over the past year, the marke...

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    The Nan Market Report: June 2023

    Houston's Housing Market: Signs of Stabilization Emerge Amid DeclinesThe last 14 months have been challenging for Houston's housing market. However, the data from May unveils a glimmer of hope. This month witnessed the smallest decrease...

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    The Nan Market Report: May 2023

    The housing market in Houston has shown strength and steadiness in April 2023, even with the ups and downs of mortgage rates. Though sales have been lower than last year for 13 straight months, there are encouraging signs that the market is bou...

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    The Nan Market Report: March 2023

    The Houston housing market is showing signs of improvement as it returns to pre-pandemic conditions. Although February sales declined compared to last year, they were still higher than in February 2019. For the first time in over two years, yea...

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    The Nan Market Report: Feb 2023

    The Houston housing market experienced a predictable slowdown in January as the aftermath of the holidays and the transition to a more traditional pace of activity took place. Despite a decrease in sales, there are encouraging signs for potenti...

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    The Nan Market Report: Jan 2023

    The Houston real estate market has been on a rollercoaster ride in the past year. While it managed to charge through the pandemic with no let-up in sales, it could not withstand the powerful economic headwinds that began swirling in 2022. These...

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