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    Nan Cares

    Nan Gives Back

    Nan Toy Drive at Kate Bell Elementary

    Nan Cares
    This year, we had the privilege of sponsoring 32 amazing 5th graders from Kate Bell Elementary, making sure their Christmas will be one to remember. A HUGE thank you to our amazing community for your generous donations, to our #NanFam and to @volunteerinitiatives.coh.don for your dedication and support. Together, we’re spreading joy, love, and the true spirit of the holiday season!

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    Nan Cares Turkey Drive

    Nan Cares Turkey Drive
    With the amazing help of @volunteerinitiatives.coh.don, our incredible #NanFam, and generous Houstonians, we’ve collected 100 turkeys and food baskets to make Thanksgiving special for families in need.
    Giving back to the community is at the heart of what we do. Houston has supported us in countless ways, and we’re proud to give that love right back. This Thanksgiving, we’re reminded of the power of kindness and the strength of our amazing city.

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    Nan and Company Properties Proudly Sponsors the 2024 Sky High for Kids Ladies Who Brunch

    Nan Cares Turkey Drive
    With the amazing help of @volunteerinitiatives.coh.don, our incredible #NanFam, and generous Houstonians, we’ve collected 100 turkeys and food baskets to make Thanksgiving special for families in need.
    Giving back to the community is at the heart of what we do. Houston has supported us in countless ways, and we’re proud to give that love right back. This Thanksgiving, we’re reminded of the power of kindness and the strength of our amazing city.

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    Supporting Our Community After the Storms

    Supporting Our Community After the Storms
    In the wake of the recent storms, we are proud to have come together to support our community. We especially want to thank Roman Aguilar, Chief Service Officer of the Volunteer Initiative Program for the City of Houston’s Department of Neighborhoods, for his time and generosity.
    We collected over 150 cases of water to assist those in need, particularly in senior care facilities around Houston!

    Nan Cares Toy Drive 2023

    Nan Cares Toy Drive 2023
    Our 2023 Annual NAN Toy Drive was nothing short of miraculous! 🎄🎁
    We’re thrilled to announce that we gathered over 1,000 toys — ensuring each student left with a toy and a smile! 💫

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    Nan Sponsors 2022 Nancy OWENS Foundation Fashion for a Cure

    Nan was honored to sponsor this year’s Nancy Owens Foundation Fashion for a Cure event at Tootsies. Several of our Nan team members, including Ellie Rainey chair of this organization, joined in on an evening of fashion and fun. Nan is so proud to support Ellie and her work with this incredible cause, as well as all of the other amazing women who work towards ending breast cancer once and for all. For more information about this noble cause and the people behind it, please visit

    Nan Cares Toy Drive 2021 at Looscan Elementary

    With the help of 3 Men Movers, Nan and Company Properties transported bundles of toys that were collected by our team members for the students of Looscan Elementary during our annual Nan Cares Toy Drive. Looscan Elementary houses Pre-K through fifth grade and is located in the Independence Heights area of Houston. Our #nanfam was able to ensure that every single student of the school received a toy for the holiday season.

    Nan Raises Funds for The Houston Area Women’s Shelter by Giving Away Signed Astros Jersey

    Nan gave away an Astros jersey signed by Yuli Gurriel, Yordan lvarez and Martn Maldonado to raise funds and awareness during Domestic Violence Awareness month. 100 percent of the proceeds collected from the raffle were be donated to the Houston Area Women’s Center.

    Nan Sponsored The 2021 Latin Womens Initiative Fashion Show and Luncheon

    Nan had the honor of sponsoring the 2021 Latin Womens Initiative Fashion Show and Luncheon this past week in Downtown Houston at the Hilton Americas-Houston ballroom. The event was filled with energy and the philanthropic spirit of over 850 attendees who raised a record of over $400,000 for selected non-profits benefiting Latino community needs.

    Nan Partners With Houston Area Women’s Center

    In our continued plan of supporting local and giving back to the community, the Nanfam partnered with Taqueria Del Sol this month to feed residents and staff of the Houston Area Womens Center during their Summer Splash event.

    Nan Gives Back During Winter Storm Uri

    The south was hit with a massive winter storm that caused millions to lose power and water and saw damage to infrastructure and homes. To give back to our hometown, Houston, TX, Nan and Company Properties partnered with various businesses to provide food to Houstonians impacted by the winter storm.

    Nan Cares Pizza Party

    Each year, Nan and Company Properties hosts their annual Nan Cares Toy Drive. Due to the circumstances of 2020, the #nanfam had to modify things! This year, Nan delivered goodie bags and pizza to over 500 kids at Sylvan R. Rodriguez, Jr. Elementary School!

    Nancy and Jose supply lunches to medical staff during Covid

    In 2020 Nancy and Jose supported a local Houston restaurant, @frankshoustontx, bringing 200 box lunches to the hard working nurses at @houstonmethodist. It was so important for us to do something for our community and our medical staff heroes!

    Toy Drive 4th Annual with Diesel of the Dynamo Featuring Rodriguez Elementary

    1,000 toys for 1,000 kids?? Yes, you heard right! Nan and Company Properties took the season of giving to new highs this year. We provided the lovely children of Rodriguez Elementary with amazing toys for Christmas! No child was left out of the fun this year and we couldnt wait to see the joy on their super cute faces! With our admin staff on hand, we collected, organized, and distributed all the toys our generous community was able to help us collect. But the season of giving doesnt end here, subscribe to our YouTube channel in order to see how else our #NANFAM is giving back to the community.

    Celebrity Bowling Bash benfiting Clint Capela’s CC15 Foudation

    For CEO Nancy Almodovar, every day is different. Learning how to successfully handle being a business owner, entrepreneur, real estate agent, and a working mom has granted her the title of being one of the most well-known personalities in the Houston real estate industry. This vlog gives you an inside look at this year’s Nan Cares Toy Drive, where we had a special Rockets player make an appearance!

    Toy Drive 3rd Annual with Clint Capela featuring Ser Ninos Elementary

    Driven by the idea that not every child in Houston will be fortunate enough to open a gift this holiday season, Nan and Company Properties started the Nan Cares Toy Drive three years ago to benefit the students of Houston’s underprivileged elementary schools. This year, Nan Cares Toy Drive established a goal of collecting toys to benefit Bussey Elementary, where 94 percent of its students are economically disadvantaged. Ninety-six percent are of Latino ethnicity. Together with the help of its team, industry partners, clients and other members of the Houston community, Nan and Company Properties collected 1,000 toys to donate to Bussey Elementary! This past week after much anticipation, the students of Bussey Elementary were finally able to receive their gifts, and they couldn’t have been more excited! Watch the video below for an inside look!

    Fund Raising for Huricane Harvey benefiting Texas Children’s Hospital

    When Hurricane Harvey struck our city, Nan and Company Properties created an online fundraiser to help aid the patients, employees, and families of Texas Childrens Hospital. During the storm, the pediatric hospital had over 600 patients and over 2000 employees in its care, many of who did not have a home to return to in the aftermath. Thousands of patient’s families and employees outside of the hospital were also severely impacted from the storm. The #nanfam joined forces, and several generous people of our Houston community came together to donate to our campaign. We are proud to say that on November 28th, our firm was able to present Texas Childrens Hospital with $10,000 in funds raised. Thank you to all who contributed; your donations have gone to an amazing cause. Another special thank you to Texas Childrens Hospital. Words cannot sufficiently express how much we appreciate all that you do! We hope these funds will provide great relief.

    Toy Drive 1st Annual with Dwight Howard featuring a Target Shopping Spree

    At Brookline Elementary in Houston, statistics show that 98% of the students are considered economically disadvantaged, while 85% are high risk. Outside of this school alone, there are thousands of other children within families in Houston that are economically disadvantaged. This unfortunate reality is what motivated us to start our first annual “Nan Cares Toy Drive.” We want to continue providing children such as the students at Brookline Elementary with toys every year so that they can enjoy the holiday season, regardless of their financial circumstances. Nan and Company Properties presented our first annual Nan Cares Toy Drive this past Tuesday, December 13th at Brookline Elementary, to give away all of our collected toys and books to each and every student. Much to their surprise, Astros all-star, Jose Altuve, even came out to help us pass out toys! The best part about the toy drive was seeing the bright and excited smiles on all of the childrens faces as they received their very own toy and book. Our first Nan Cares Toy Drive even made the news! Channel 11 and Fox 26 came out to join us as we brightened the childrens day at Brookline Elementary and interviewed Altuve and our Nan and Company Properties president and CEO, Nancy Almodovar. But, this toy drive could not have happened without you. This year, we were able to successfully gather 1000 toys and 1000 books through donations from all around the community and were able to give away all of our donations to these children in need. Because of that, we would like to thank our Nan and Company Properties team and everyone else who helped and worked hard to make this amazing day happen, from our volunteers to members of the community who donated to this wonderful cause.
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