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Want to sell your home quickly? Get your home ready in 20 minutes for selling with these easy tips.

When you’re selling your home, it’s important for you and your realtor to work closely together to make sure you get the best deal possible. Showing the house to prospective buyers is a huge part of the selling process, but if you’re a busy homeowner, it can be a challenge to keep the home well organized and sparkling clean. So what do you do when you have to have the house ready in a moment’s notice? Here are some tips you can put in place to help keep buyers interested and to sell your home quickly.

Keep a decorative basket in all major areas of the house that you can use to quickly stash items that could make the house look untidy.  For example, the basket in the living room can house toys or extra electronics. In the kitchen, the basket could be for extraneous mail, pens, and other knickknacks.

Use plug-in or time-release air fresheners. The smell of your house is almost as influential as the look of your house when making a first impression. If you have pets, it’s especially important to air out any offending odors. Air fresheners, fragrant flowers or reed diffusers are great options for adding light, fresh scents to any room. Avoid lighting candles as they may release chemicals that could be hazardous for some people visiting your home.

Make kitchen and bathroom cleaning easy. There’s a saying in real estate that “kitchens and baths sell homes.” These two rooms have a huge impact on whether someone will want to buy your home, so it’s critical that you keep them as clean as possible. Keep pre-moistened wipes on hand to wipe down countertops, appliances, hardware and door knobs. Either let the surfaces air dry or use a paper towel

Quickly swap out older, everyday towels for fluffy, attractive, matching towels in the bathroom. You’ll also want to put away any bath rugs and keep toothbrushes, hair products and used bars of soap out of view. Keep these items out of view helps buyers forget this is your home and clears the way for them to see the property as their home.

Clean up after your pet. If you dog, cat, bird or other animal sheds, keep pet hair removal products on hand. Give the furniture a once-over to clean up sofas, love seats, throw blankets or other furniture, especially those with dark colors where hair might easily show. Also consider putting away feeding bowls, crates, litter boxes and other pet-related things that could cause clutter or odor.

Finally, leave the house when potential buyers come for a showing. Think back to when you bought your house. You were probably much more comfortable exploring the property at your leisure without feeling the lurking eyes of the home owner. As soon as you’re done tidying up, hit the road. To stay prepared, keep a list of nearby places where you can hide out for about an hour. Your neighborhood park, a neighbor’s house or the gym are all free places that are low-cost or free options for entertainment while your house is being shown

We know these tips don’t take the place of a thorough, deep cleaning, but they work in a pinch when you have less than a half hour to freshen up your home.

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