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    Episode 3 of "How to Become a Luxury Realtor" is now live on our YouTube channel! In today's episode, CEO Nancy Almodovar explains the art of social media and its importance to your brand as a luxury realtor. Why is social media important? Do I really need it? How can I increase my following? All of your questions are answered in the video below!

    Step 1: Create a game plan.

    Which social media sites will you be using? How many times a day will you be posting? How will your business page differ from your personal page? Developing some sort of plan will help you stay organized so you can create goals and eventually surpass them! 

    Step 2: Be consistent.

    Posting once a month can often be worse than not having a profile at all. Post frequently. Take advantage of all the options available to you. Touring a property? Strolling through an exclusive residential neighborhood? Capture it all, and share with your followers! Utilize the share button, Facebook and Instagram Live, and my stories. Be EVERYWHERE.

    Step 3: Understand the social media sites.

    The most important step to becoming a social media whiz is to use these sites effectively. What works on Instagram won’t work on LinkedIn, and so on. You can definitely use as many sites as you wish, but be sure to understand the platforms and how each one is used. If you ever need help, or if you're confused about any of the terms we've used so far, don't be afraid to do some research. Our tip: Use YouTube. YouTube has tutorials for everything! There are no excuses.

    Step 4: Engage.

    Keep in mind that social media is a networking tool. It's a convenient way to find people who share your interests without even needing a face-to-face meeting. If you're posting effectively and consistently, your followers are going to notice your content and will (hopefully) start to "like" and comment on your posts. Let them know that you see them and that you appreciate the love! If you see something you like or something you agree with, give it a retweet or a thumbs up. You never know what kind of connections you'll make!

    Step 5: Be authentic.

    While sharing listings, video tours, and other professional-related content is great, it's also important to mix some lifestyle material in there too. Allow your personality to come through. Do you have a favorite restaurant or a coffee shop that you recommend? Take a photo, and share! Most importantly, be honest. Be authentic. People are more likely to work with a realtor who comes off as genuine and relatable, and that's extremely important when trying to secure those luxury buyers and sellers!

    We hope you enjoyed Episode 3 of our "How to Become a Luxury Realtor" series! Be sure to give the video a thumbs up, and subscribe to our channel so you'll never miss a new upload.

    To watch Episode 2 on branding yourself as a luxury realtor, click here.

    To watch Episode 1 on everything involving the basics of becoming a luxury realtor, click here.

    Want to see where it all started? Watch the series introduction here.

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