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Emely and Rene Rodriguez, recently participated in the Hispanic Business Student Association at the University of Houston. We help Students with Professional Development at UH.

Transitioning from student to professional can be hard, especially for students who may be nervous about putting their best foot forward. At Nan and Company Properties, we absolutely love working in the community, and what better way to have a positive impact on society than to work with young people to help them be successful in reaching their goals?

Sensational real estate agents, Emely and Rene Rodriguez, recently participated in the Hispanic Business Student Association’s Mock Interview Competition at the University of Houston.  The purpose of the event is to help business students become familiar with the ins and outs of going on a professional interview. By attending mock interviews, participants get an idea of the types of questions they can expect during an interview and practice answering them clearly and concisely. They also receive valuable feedback from working professionals, like Emely and Rene, about their performance.

According to event organizers, students who attended the interview competition enjoyed the event and believed it was helpful in their professional development.  For some, this was their very first opportunity to take on questions and get valuable insight into the recruitment process.


You might also like: Get to know two of our rock star agents, Emely and Rene Rodriguez, in this video.

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