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    The holiday season—considered the months of November through January—is considered by some the absolute worst time to put a home on the market, primarily because most home sellers end up needing to reduce their prices or find that the holidays are just too busy to worry about the process of selling a home. However, this time of year is actually the best time; homebuyers during this period tend to be more serious, and chances are your home won’t be competing with other similar homes on the market, either. These are just the beginning of the advantages of getting involved with real estate during the holidays, no matter if you’re buying or selling a home: 


    • The holidays bring serious buyers. If you’re putting your home on the market, it’s important to know that people who actually take the time out of their busy holiday schedule to see your home shows that they’re incredibly serious about buying.
    • There’s less competition right now. Most potential home-sellers avoid putting their homes on the market because the holidays are one of the busiest times of the year. Preparation for family gatherings or traveling during this time prevent these home-sellers from putting their home on the market; instead, they may wait until the New Year when everything settles down. 


    •  There are better-priced homes on the market. If you’re trying to save money on a new home, the holidays are often a great time to find homes at the best prices. Many sellers reduce the price point on their home, in the hopes of closing by the end of the year. If you find the home you want, you’ll likely have a seamless closing process, allowing you to settle in just in time for the New Year.
    • You can save on interest rates and taxes. Many lenders lower their interest rates around the holidays because there is not a huge demand or competition for loans around this time of year. In addition, you can also take advantage of potential tax deductions since the year is almost up. 
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