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    The Nan Market Report: July 2023

    Houston's Housing Market: A Landscape of Resilience and Opportunities

    The Houston housing market is a landscape of opportunities, with recent trends indicating a steady recovery. Despite a slowdown in home sales over the past year, the market is showing signs of resilience and potential for growth. This blog post will delve into the specifics of these trends and what they mean for you, whether you're considering buying or selling.


    Home Sales Data


    Home sales in Houston have been experiencing a slowdown, with sales down by 12.8% in June compared to June '22. However, it's not all gloomy news. The market has started to show signs of recovery, with sales of homes priced at $1M and above increasing by nearly six percent. Additionally, homes priced below $150,000 also saw positive growth. This suggests that despite the overall slowdown, there are segments of the market where activity is picking up.


    Average Home Price Data


    In terms of home prices, the average price in June was $431,092, a slight decrease from previous months. The median price also fell to $345,000. However, when we look at the bigger picture, these prices are still significantly higher than they were in 2019. This indicates that despite recent fluctuations, the long-term trend shows growth in home values in the Houston market.



    So What Does This Mean?


    The Houston housing market, with its resilience and potential for growth, presents a promising landscape for both buyers and sellers. Now could be the perfect time to make your move in this dynamic market.

    If you are curious about statistics in your area, reach out to one of our incredible agents today for an in-depth analysis of your neighborhood’s market conditions!

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