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    Celebrating Our Achievement: Nan Properties Wins 2023 Viddy Platinum Award

    We're excited to announce that Nan Properties has been recognized as a 2023 Viddy Platinum Award Winner in the Short Form Web Video category! This monumental achievement puts us among the top echelons of video production in a digital world, an honor we're deeply proud of.


    The Viddy Awards, an international competition administered by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP), celebrates video excellence in our digital era. The competition this year was intense, with over 2,500 entries coming in from across the United States, Canada, and 17 other countries. The fact that we emerged victorious, earning the Platinum award, is a testament to our team's creativity, dedication, and the exceptional quality of our work.


    This award pays tribute to the many talents and tireless efforts of our remarkable video production team. From our videographers and writers to our editors and digital artists, every individual has contributed their unique skills to craft captivating and effective short form web videos. This accomplishment is the result of a group of creatives who truly excel at what they do.


    For over two decades, the Viddy Awards has honored the industry's evolution, including various forms of videos, broadcast and non-broadcast television programs, commercials, social media videos, podcasts, remote learning, animation, and virtual and augmented reality. Being named a Platinum Winner is not only a tremendous honor but also a symbol of our ability to create industry-leading content that sets a benchmark for excellence.


    Our success at the Viddy Awards is an endorsement of our commitment to excellence, and it motivates us to continue striving for the best in every project we undertake. We're excited about what lies ahead and are committed to keeping our clients and partners at the heart of our journey.


    A huge thank you to our dedicated team for their incredible work, and to our clients for their unwavering trust in our capabilities.


    We're thrilled to share this significant award with you, and we look forward to many more years of producing top-quality videos that resonate and make a difference.


    See the winning entry below:



    Onwards and upward!

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