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    So you've gotten licensed, joined a full-service firm and have started working on your brand. What's next? In Episode 4 of "How to Become a Luxury Realtor," CEO Nancy Almodovar walks you through the necessary steps for finding your first client! 

    Step 1: Build your internet presence.

    Keep in mind that before someone takes you on as their real estate agent, they will most likely look your credentials up online first. They’re going to want to scope you out and see what they can look forward to when working with you. Making sure your online presence is in tip-top shape is a must! Make sure it’s something you’re proud of. For tips on using social media to help your brand, watch the previous episode here!

    Step 2: Reach out to your personal circle.

    Your personal circle is typically defined by the people closest to you — your family and friends. More than anyone, these are the people who want to see you succeed. Tell them you are now in the real estate business and are accepting new clients. It's also important to note that people are most likely to accept referrals and real estate assistance from people they know.

    Step 3: Make connections in your community.

    Attend networking events, neighborhood gatherings, volunteering opportunities, and other organizations. Make it a point to give out five business cards a day, and add five people to your database. Get involved in as many groups as possible! You can never have too many contacts.

    Watch the full version of Episode 4 below, and be sure to subscribe to the Nan and Company Properties YouTube channel so you'll never miss a new upload!

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