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    This past month on September 30th, our Nan and Companies Property family participated in Critical Mass Houston for our company outing. Our agents and staff had a blast riding their trusty bicycles around town with thousands of other bike-loving Houstonians while getting to know their Houston community better. Being outdoors and feeling the wind as we rode was a refreshing way to forget about being stuck in our cars as we sit in Houston traffic on a daily basis. It was also a great way to get in good cardio exercise, especially after being cooped up at the office all week!

    For those of you who don’t know, Critical Mass Houston is a monthly event in which hundreds to thousands of bike riders from around the Houston area gather together for a casual bike ride around downtown Houston. The event is dedicated to families and individuals who love riding their bike, and Critical Mass celebrates that with a fun bike ride around town. The event happens on the last Friday of every month, no matter the weather.

    The route the Critical Mass takes changes from month to month, but it always begins at the historical Market Square Park in downtown Houston. The mass bike ride starts at 7:15 and typically ends between 9:30 and 10 pm, normally stopping at a fun location for bikers to hang out and meet one another. Critical Mass Houston is a free, fun, slow-paced and casual ride, so anyone can join! The best part is, even if you don’t own a bike, there are rentals available!

    Are you interested in joining the next Critical Mass? The next event will be on the last Friday of the month!

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