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    The Nan Market Report: June 2023

    Houston's Housing Market: Signs of Stabilization Emerge Amid Declines

    The last 14 months have been challenging for Houston's housing market. However, the data from May unveils a glimmer of hope. This month witnessed the smallest decrease in home sales volume in nearly a year, possibly indicating that the market is finding its balance and the worst of the housing sales slowdown could be behind us.


    Home Sales Data

    Home Sales Data for May 2023 (source:
    Home Sales Data for May 2023 (source:


    May marked Houston's 14th consecutive month of negative home sales. However, it's not all doom and gloom. The decrease in volume was the smallest in almost a year. According to the Houston Association of Realtors' (HAR) May 2023 Market Update, single-family home sales were down 10.4 percent year-over-year with 8,637 units sold compared to 9,641 in May 2022. Notably, when compared to pre-pandemic May 2019, home sales were down by just 1.3 percent, reflecting that the market is moving closer to the pre-pandemic norms. The inventory, meanwhile, remains well above the historic lows of 2022, presenting more options for prospective buyers.


    Average Home Price Data

    Average Home Price Data for May 2023 (source:
    Average Home Price Data for May 2023 (source:


    The average price for single-family homes in Houston also experienced a decline. May saw the average price dip by 1.6 percent to $431,378 while the median price fell 3.1 percent to $340,095. These figures bring the pricing below the record highs of $438,350 (average) and $353,995 (median) recorded in 2022. This decline in home prices is a reflection of the market's efforts to adjust and stabilize amidst the economic challenges and uncertainty about interest rates and inflation.


    May 2023 Market Report Data (source:
    May 2023 Market Report Data (source:



    So What Does This Mean?

    Despite the consecutive months of declining home sales, the housing market data from May 2023 carries some positive implications for average home buyers. First, the smallest decrease in volume in a year suggests that the market could be stabilizing. Furthermore, the higher inventory levels than those of 2022 means more options for prospective home buyers, potentially making it a good time to consider purchasing.

    The drop in average and median home prices presents a more affordable housing market than what was seen in the peak of 2022. However, potential buyers should also be mindful of economic factors such as interest rates and inflation which continue to influence the market dynamics. Despite some hurdles, the ongoing market adjustments could present promising opportunities for prospective buyers in the near future.

    If you are curious about statistics in your area, reach out to one of our incredible agents today for an in-depth analysis of your neighborhood’s market conditions!

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