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    You’ve just received your key to your new home. Now what? Moving to a new place can become overwhelming very quickly, which is why having a checklist of “must-do” tasks can save you trouble in the long run! Here are a few things you should do within the first month of moving into your new home!

    Get Your Utilities Up and Running

    Although this task is on the easier side of the spectrum, it’s one of the first ones you should complete. In order to get the best deal, make sure to do your research based on the area and your requirements!

    Update Your Address

    Besides letting your relatives know that you took the big step of buying a new home, ensure that you update the following:

    • Vehicle and license

    • Insurance

    • Employer

    • Update your primary address with the county

    • If your home is alarmed, fill out the alarm permit application in your city hall

    Find Healthcare Providers

    Emergencies arrive without notice, so you want to make sure you are prepared for the unexpected! Locate your nearby hospitals, emergency rooms, local doctors offices, and for the animal lovers, your nearest veterinarian office.

    Clean Out

    Who said spring cleaning was the only ideal time to clean out your home? There is no better time to determine what you do and don’t need than when moving into a new home. Take advantage of this time to keep track of your inventory and don’t forget to donate to your local charities and donation drop-offs!

    Make It Your Own

    Within your initial 30 days after moving in, you should have most of the critical tasks out of the way and can now move onto the enjoyable things! A house is not a home until you make it one, and decorating it to your own unique style is one of the major projects to make it feel like so! When decorating your home it is essential to make it your happy place, a place where you can come home to after a long day. 

    The last, un-noted thing to do it just enjoy your new space that you'll surely fill with just as many special memories than the last! Be sure to contact us if you are currently on the search to finding yours!

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